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Pride Franklin County often receives requests for information about resources, such as mental health providers, healthcare and support groups for the LGBTQ+ community. Below is a list of local, regional and national resources. If you have a resource to add, please contact us here. 

Looking for local businesses, organizations, religious institutions, etc. that are welcoming, safe spaces for all? Check out the Franklin County Welcoming Project and those who have pledged. Additional resources are listed below.



Gender affirming & LGBTQ+ supportive care

  • Alder Healthcare (Harrisburg)

  • WellSpan Health 

    • ​To schedule an appointment for transgender care, contact Emily Cotton, a case management social worker with WellSpan Health, at 717-851-2931.

  • Regional resource listing of trans-affirming healthcare providers​




Regional ​






For Everyone

For Students

For Teachers & Administrators




Have suggestions of resources to add? Email us at


Ally: An individual or group that is supportive of the LGBTQ community.
Gender: A person’s self-identity as man, woman, or other designation along the gender, non-binary spectrum. 
LGBTQ: An abbreviation that has replaced what was formally known as “the gay community”. LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (or questioning). Its use recognizes a more diverse and inclusive community. 
Lesbian: An individual who identifies as a woman who is emotionally, physically, or sexually attracted to other women.
Gay: An individual who identifies as a man who is emotionally, physically, or sexually attracted to other men. (The term gay has also been used to describe any same-gender physical relationship.)
Bisexual: An individual who is sexually and romantically attracted to men and women or others.
Transgender: An individual who identifies as a sex other than that assigned at birth.
Queer: An individual whose identity is more fluid and inclusive of diverse sexual orientations and/or gender identities. Once considered an offensive term, it has been reclaimed by individuals as a description of self-empowerment.
Questioning: An individual who is unsure about their sexual orientation and/or gender identity and prefers to identify as “questioning” rather than adhering to an inappropriate label.
Sex: Designation of male/female usually assigned at birth based on biological characteristics.
Sexual Orientation: An individual’s desire for intimate, emotional and/or sexual relationships with others.
Gender Identity: How one self-identifies based upon an innate feeling of masculinity, femininity, or combination (or lack) of either. 
Gender Expression: The way an individual presents to others through appearance, mannerisms, behaviors, and speech which is indicative of sex or gender. The way a person expresses their gender offers clues on how they wish to be perceived and treated.
Pronouns: Words used other than names to identify individuals or groups traditionally based upon sex or gender. He/him, she/her have been used as binary designations (only male/female) while they/theirs (singular) is used by some in our non-binary society. Pronouns are self-selected, varied, and may include ze/hir, ey/em, and numerous others. It is important to use the pronoun an individual prefers.



Email for more information.

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Pride Franklin County (PA) is a program of the Franklin County Coalition for Progress, a nonprofit striving to advance social justice and equality for all. Learn more at

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